I’m so excited to share this interview with you today with Ted Behr. The Productivity Wizard that is changing the world one person at a time. Unleashing the Productivity Powers of Entrepreneurs with ADHD. Coach Ted Behr has been Helping people with ADHD create lives of passion and purpose since 1997. By Applying the Education and Research on what works in addition to his own personal experience of ADHD; Coach Ted energizes and inspires intelligent professionals he serves. His calling and purpose is to help change the world one person at a time.
60% of entrepreneurs have ADHD

It may be hard to believe that many of us building a business online are affected by ADD & ADHD. Yes, research shows 60% of entrepreneurs have ADHD. Not a bad thing actually! check out this article I found on psychologytoday.com: Believe it or not, people with ADHD are 300% more likely to start their own business. However to get really proficient at overcoming your “SQUIRL” Brain, you need a Coach to help clear the clutter. Coach Ted works with people who have been diagnosed or think they might have ADHD.
Signs and Symptoms
There are some key signs and symptoms that can tip you off that you could have a level of ADHD.
- Procrastination
- Disorganization
- Lack of Focus
- Interrupting others as they are speaking
- Messiness
- Easily Distracted
Listen to the Interview below
If these Signs and Symptoms sound familiar to you listen to the interview below as Coach Ted Behr walks you through the step by step process he uses to help form healthy habits that will crush the old you. Giving you more focus on your vision, help you clarify your core values that will align with your goals, and make mastery out of your messes.
In closing, It really only takes one person to make a, a significant difference in a lot of different people’s lives. So that’s why I love doing these interviews because it’s all people that are, are inspired to help people on a mission. You can find all the links for Coach Ted Behr below. I invite you to subscribe to my blog so you are the first to know when I add more amazing online offers for you. The link to subscribe if you’re on a Mobile it’s down below if your on a Computer it’s over there on the right =====>>>>
If you are an entrepreneur online and looking to collaborate with me to get your message out to a greater number of people please email me at info@elizabeth2021.com
The world is making giant leaps into technology giving us access to knowledge and opportunities like we have never seen before. If you’re looking for additional ways to expand your income I can help you there as well. Check out my page here where I talk about how I got started in the blogging business online HERE, I have researched and earned income from many of these opportunities and I have many more to tell you about. Be sure to join my email list so I can keep you informed when new posts come out. Just subscribe in the box to the right=====>>>>