Love Again Without Smelly Farts

Seriously funny yet Serious business. Smell the Difference with The Tootralizer. You will love again without the harmful effects of smelly farts. Ever been sitting in your car with your dog; or watching TV at home and suddenly smell something so bad you or your dog wants to run away? Have you ever been at an event with great food and a lot of people and accidentally “let one go”? Have you ever wondered if there is a way to hide the smell of either; your dog’s farts or your own farts?

No Fear Sneak a Squeak is here

You shall no longer Fear a Fart. Sneak a Squeak is here to save you from the devastating smells that come from you, your dog, or your spouse. It’s healthy, it’s natural, and it’s going to improve your life regardless. If you are planning a trip with the dog in the car; your dog is going to love these tasty treats. If you are planning to be around a crowd of people with food or alcohol nearby, all you need is Sneak A Squeak just a couple of hours ahead of time. You will be Squeaky fresh from the inside out.

Make Your Farts Not Stink

Sneak A Squeak only takes 2-3 hours and will last up to 12 hours. Neutralizing any chance of the devastating effects of what your Toot can do to others. We do care about our fellow humans and here is a way to do your part. Support your friends and family with The Original All-Natural Tootralizer. It’s a thankless service to others. Nobody will know and understand what you are doing for them, but you will know. It’s like a butt mask that you don’t have to breathe in! Love Again Without Smelly Farts

Love Sitting In The Same Room with Your Doggie Again

Little Lassie will be a pleasure to be around. Your doggie will love spending more time around you without getting embarrassed or (unashamed) when a most powerful smell clouds around him/her. You can love sitting in the same room with your doggie again. Just think about all the places you can go together now without bombing out the car with a dog fart. Ugh, aren’t they the worst!! Get some Paw-Pourri: The Original Canine Tootralizer HERE.

You may have the misunderstanding that you couldn’t make a difference alone

You no longer have to worry about those silent-but-deadly farts sneaking out at night from your furry little friend. We are living in a very special time in human history and it’s never been a better time to make the world a better place for everyone around the world. You may have the misunderstanding that you couldn’t make a difference alone, but I believe every great change has started with just one person that said I have a plan! The more we become who we were born to be the happier we are and happiness is even more contagious than any disease on the planet. Love Again Without Smelly Farts!

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