Life Transformation can be hard to face alone. Are you a veteran who has served in the armed forces for your country? Are you a mission inspired woman entrepreneur? If you said yes to either of these I have a treat for you today. Below you will see the full interview with “The Pivot Maestro”. Introducing Dr. Virginia “Doc V” LeBlanc. CEO/Founder of Defining Paths. Who’s mission is Transition, Specializing In Helping Retiring military Transition from Service & Women leaders From the Workplace Into Purposed Entrepreneurship. I could tell you a thousand reasons why you need to meet Doc V. I meet here through a JVIC Collaborate event for entrepreneurs. From the moment I met her I knew her knowledge and experiences had to be shared so others can benefit from what she’s doing.
Leadership Coaching
Leadership Coaching is a term we hear a lot but if you think about all the great world leaders we have know in history. There has not been one great leader that didn’t have a coach aka advisor sitting next to them. Doc V’s Company Defining Paths is taking the lead on providing superior knowledge and understanding of Life Transformation. Giving that support and knowledge to the masses. If your transitioning from military to civilian life it helps to have someone by your side to help you find all the resources available to you. If your a Woman Entrepreneur at any level, having someone who has already faced all the challenges involved in starting a business or growing a business, is priceless.
As Seen On
YouTube: https://youtu.be/29R2FTuGmm4 – Candid Conversations: Where Real Talk About Real Experiences And Circumstances Is The Norm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pivotmaestro
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pivotmaestro/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/pivotmaestro/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/drvleblanc
Life Transitioning
The good, bad, and ugly truth about Life Transformation. The good things first, changes happen along everyone’s life but there is always something better at the end of every road. The bad, well our brains are hardwired for survival so when we face a transition in life. Our brains want to reject every new thought because it’s like a computer program it only knows what it has been exposed to. Anything outside of that is a threat to survival.
Of course logically we know that threat is not real but our brains think it is. So we have to put a conscious effort to over ride our prior programming before we can become successful at something new. And as far as the ugly truth about life transitioning, well you can’t do it alone. You need others around you that know what your going through. Someone who understands your vision and goals and that can coach you through all the negative talk your brain is giving you as resistance. Doc V. The Pivot Maestro can do that for you.
Rediscover Yourself
It takes time to rediscover yourself. Awareness of where you want to go and a defined path to get you there leads you to taking action on your goals. Let’s say for example, your in a job you hate and a lifestyle that isn’t suited for who you truly feel you want to be. Well if you leave your job you either get another one or start a business.
One of the tricky things about going from a paycheck to entrepreneurship is you don’t realize how programed you are for things like creating a task list, creating and following a calendar, following up with your network, and consistency. If you have worked or been in the military much of your life. Most of those things are done for you. Your boss or supervisor tells you what your tasks are, what time you clock in or out, who you talk to while working and if your not consistent at doing what your told, your reprimanded. When your an entrepreneur and you don’t stay focused on those things you don’t make the money you hoped for. But there are support systems like Defining Paths that can help you stay accountable and focused on taking action daily.
Healing & Awareness
Healing & Awareness are the two key factors in making a Life Transformation successful. When you think of Healing; it can take on many forms but without awareness of what’s holding you back, you can’t see forward movement. Doc V walks the walk and talks the talk when it comes to mastering any transition life presents you. Having someone who, not only has experienced transition in her own life but has become a master instructor on what it takes to make anything you envision for yourself come to fruition. Doc V has spent countless hours learning, achieving, and teaching others from all walks of life. Reach out and connect with her, it’s not going to cost you anything but a conversation to find out why so many people are loving Doc. V
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