Interview with Alexi Bracey Anti-Aging Coach The Dementia Prevention Coach. Cancer saved her life 20 years ago, now she is passionate about helping others understand that making small changes in your lifestyle can help prevent dementia in your later years. “The world needs to know it doesn’t have to be that way!” says Alexi The Dementia Prevention Coach. After overcoming cancer and becoming actively involved in volunteering her time to help others. Alexi saw the devastation of what happens when someone starts losing their cognitive abilities. She passionately dove into researching all that she could about why this is becoming more common. The US & Canada are the top 2 countries worldwide that Dementia is an epidemic. One person every 67 seconds in the US is diagnosed with Dementia. Alexi found that research supports the train of thought that Dementia is preventable. Just like Heart Disease is inflammation of the heart, Arthritis is inflammation of the bones, & dementia is inflammation of the Brain. See the full interview below.
Alexi Bracey Anti-Aging Coach
Dementia Prevention Coach
Healthy Environment Educator
Plant-Based Chef
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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexi-bracey-34935a7/
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Blue Zones What are They and Why are they so important
Blue Zones What are They and Why are they so important? The Blue Zones have been studied since 2004. BLUE ZONES is a brand and certification mark developed by Michel Poulain, Dan Buettner, and Giovanni Mario Pes when investigating people around the world living longer and better. The Blue Zones consist of 5 Communities Worldwide that boast the healthiest and longest living people on Earth.
Several contributing factors make this possible. Living in a community with meaning and purpose driven lifestyles. The grow their own food. Drink health water. And they are grateful for what they have. Unfortunately, many people who have worked all their life and retire without a purpose, cognitive decline can happen very quickly. Having a purpose can make the difference in mindset, physical activity, & lifestyle choices.
When you wake up in the morning what drives you?
When you wake up in the morning what drives you? With a set purpose to wake up to everyday you can keep your mind and body active and excited about life. Without challenging yourself mentally, physically and emotionally. Life can become stagnate very quickly and the things you were grateful for before can seem grey and dull. Without physical activity your mind and body can start becoming disconnected. When we lack the pursuit of overcoming challenges our ability to problem solve can dissipate.
Having gratitude can be your best medicine. Even the things in life that didn’t go so well. Because there is always a lesson to be learned and a challenge to overcome. Things like a Breaking up, the job you didn’t get, or that house you wanted but couldn’t buy. These are all things that happened for you so that you can be grateful when something else better comes along or be grateful for the lessons you learned that make you a better person.
Brain Food
When it comes to Brain Food what Alexi, Dementia Prevention Coach, recommends is the Bredesen Diet. Making mindful decisions about the food you eat can build a foundation for your overall Health. The Bredesen Diet is more of a Plant-Based Keto Diet. You can read more about this here on NeroQ https://neuroq.com/blog/what-is-the-bredesen-diet/ Organic is always going to be important because of the pollution and contamination from herbicides, insecticides, & pesticides contribute to cognitive decline and other diseases. Alexi can guide you on how to identify the foods that are more exposed to these chemicals. Things like Grains, Beans, legumes, tomato’s, & yams.
The Problem is, with Organic is affordability. With the daily rise in the cost of food it’s difficult to budget for Organic. This makes it even more important to grow your own fruits and vegetables when possible and take advantage of local farmers markets.
It doesn’t just stop at fruits and vegetables though. If you’re looking to get more toxins out of your home. Using Clean Organic Cleaners for your home that work and save you money, Chemical free cosmetics and personal care products that you don’t have to worry about causing cancer later, & healthier snacks that can cost less that the preservative filled snacks at your local retail store. All this is a part of my Wellness Shopping Club. For More information on this exclusive club that will save you money and possibly make you more money than your job pays book an appointment today here with Dementia Prevention Coach: https://calendly.com/elizabethit2021/health-wellness-introduction to learn more.
Alexi refers to a great website in the interview https://www.ewg.org which is a great resource for learning about the dirty dozen and the healthy 15. A that guides you through what fruits and vegetables are more important that they are organic or not. Everything doesn’t have to be organic but there are some more important than others.
Alexi talks on the interview about how good nightly REM sleep is essential for detoxing your brain. The problem with the way we are living today with constant exposure to electronics like your phone, TV, wi-fi, and all the other electronic gadgets we have in our homes. Getting good sleep is a problem for many of us. Here is a highly recommended product to help with this is an all-natural product called zlēm® You can read more about it here on my Blog post Bio-Hacking for Weight Loss. When you’re not getting good sleep you’re storing all those toxins from what we are exposed to daily in your body. This is how we get a build up over time increasing your chances of things like Dementia, Heart Disease, & Cancer.
Bran Reimagined
I do have one other recommendation for you when it comes to your brain health. Bran Reimagined is an original biohacking formula for a natural energy boost, focus, clarity, mood enhancement and optimal daily performance. Now, I’m not supper crazy about taking my vitamins in pill form everyday, so this is a great fit for me, it’s delicious and easy to do everyday. This is an incredible product (I cannot say that enough) that comes in several flavors. Caramel Macchiato, Lemon Drop, Chocolate and Sea Salt are just some of the flavors we have to choose from. They are easy to take, and can be added to water, your coffee, your shake. This is A POWERFUL PRODUCT. One that is so incredible that when you don’t have it, you will notice a difference. It is something that you’ll want to have each and every day. Read more about Bran on My blog page Click HERE
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