Are you Crypto Curious? My interview below with Kelly Beauchesne is an inside look into the world of cryptocurrency. She has been helping individuals and small businesses navigate tax laws and accounting help for years. She is now sharing her knowledge in Cryptocurrency to help others navigate through investing and learning.
Here are some of our topics for our talk:
How did she get started and what knowledge can she offer you in investing and learning.
Some of the biggest challenges to overcome in understanding how crypto works.
Resources Kelly recommends for learning.
The most common mistakes for those who are new to crypto.
What is to love about crypto.
The one thing people don’t realize about crypto?
One hidden pitfall with crypto that prevents people from succeeding.
Kelly has spent countless hours learning all about crypto and now she is helping others, so they don’t have to waste time and money focusing on the wrong things.
Kelly Xintaras-Beauchesne
Individual & Small Business
Beauchesne & Associates, LLC
Tax & Accounting Consultants – Consulting FB:
Digital Currency
Whether we like it, or not digital currency is now a part of our lives no matter where we are in the world. We are on a rapid pace globally to a change from Fiat money to digital money. Many are not prepared for the changes already occurring. The best prevention for loss is education. Having Kelly on your side to help you navigate through all the knowledge that is curtailed to your specific goals in mind. Helps save you hours of frustration and gives you the best chance of making money more that loosing money.
Investing in the Stock Market vs Crypto Investing
There are some differences between investing in the Stock Market vs Crypto Investing. The Stock market has existed since 1792 so of course there are more people invested making the ups and downs less dramatic. Crypto investing is still in an incubator stage therefore has more volatility. The longer Crypto exists the more stable it will become. The best part of crypto at this point is that when it reaches a low, it will never reach the same low again. Kelly talks about the ups and downs and pros and cons of both. Kelly is passionate about helping other avoid the pitfalls she experienced. To give the best outcome for those who have goals for saving money for your future.
Knowledge alone is helpful we all have Google, YouTube, & a number of other resources to find the knowledge you’re looking for on any subject. However, knowledge alone is not going to help us move forward. Knowledge along with support and accountability will allow you to take the knowledge and combine it with support so you have someone to ask questions and fill any gaps you may be missing from an expert on the subject. Accountability is a key factor in reaching your goals. Sharing your goals with Kelly can help you stay focused on getting the most out of your time and efforts.

There is always a level of fear especially in investing in anything. Kelly utilizes her knowledge to help you get past those fears and connect the dots for you so you can have more confidence in what you’re striving for. Kelly has developed a strategy for mindset strategy to help you get through that fear. Her Crypto knowledge will help you save time and money. Her experience will help you avoid costly mistakes. It can be overwhelming sorting through all the information online about crypto. Kelly has value for you that can save you a lot of frustration. All her contact information can be found below.
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